
Busy as fuuuuuck

Yom Kippur offered no respite from work, although it's not really supposed to.

I would also love to do a Freudian/Oedipal interpretation of The Jazz Singer. Shit's crazy: Jakie and his mom basically have sex via music (just like in Thomas Mann!). When this is going on, the father intrudes upon the scene. An interesting shot follows as the camera remains focused on the father's face. What is he thinking? Keeping in mind that the father doesn't know it's his son playing the piano with his wife, the father could very well see this as adulterous flirtation. Jakie and his mother also kiss on the mouth, which may be seen as familial/platonic in the social context of the sixties, but nowadays: that shit's sexual.

I also like the scene where Jakie is confronted during rehearsal about the synagogue needing a cantor on Yom Kippur. Jackie beats his breast while claiming that show-business is a religion of its own (on Yom Kippur, during selichot, it is proper to beat one's breast).

There are also multiple instances of both Jakie and his mother looking at pictures of one another and being reminded of how much they love each other. Creepy.

The movie fucking rules.