
Bernard Lewis is a bamf.

"Imperialism, Sexism and racism are words of Western coinage, not because the West invented these evils, which are alas universal, but because the West recognized and named and condemned them as evils and struggled mightily - and not entirely in vain - to weaken their hold and to help their victims. If, to borrow a phrase, Western culture does indeed "go," imperialism, sexism and racism will not got with it. More likely casualties will be the freedom to denounce them and the effort to end them" (Cultures in Conflict 79).


Rethinking Kippot

I recently changed my mind about wearing kippot. I used to believe that I should never wear them because I don't believe in god (I don't even capitalize the "g" or do that lame dash thing because spelling his name out completely is blasphemous) and wearing a kippah would mean showing my fealty to an entity I don't believe in or care about respecting. But if someone is so offended by my yarmulke-lessness presence in their place of worship, then I will go ahead and don the silly hat because what do I have to lose? I don't care if people see me wearing it and assume I believe in god, because I just don't care what people think about my beliefs because they're personal. I do care enough, however, to not offend anyone in that way. Or should I take the stance that they shouldn't be offended by my uncovered head in the first place?


Six Feet Under Is The Best Show Ever

It has a 9.3 out of 10 on IMDb after over 15,000 votes! It is kinda depressing, being about death and all, but it's still life affirming. That positive attitude is conveyed by Nate Fisher, who dies fairly young at age 40. But the other characters obviously convey their own philosophies about life and death which really encompass every possible angle.

Another really interesting character is Olivier Castro-Staal, who is reminiscent of Thomas Mann's Tonio Kröger, meaning that he's full of combination of many different attributes. He's bisexual, like Kröger; he speaks German and French (and probably Spanish, too); he's a mulatto; he's an artist, but also becomes a professor because he needs a job, so he's searching for a balance between the aesthetic life and the professional.

Eff yeah.


Progressiveness Is Relative

I've always considered that defining "liberal" was dependent upon one's geographic location or socio-economic position. The other day, I was listening to a radio station that branded itself as "progressive," and they had a guest on the air who proceeded to criticize Israel in myriad ways. Being "progressive" or "liberal" in America usually entails siding against Israel and being very critical of that nation.

On the other hand, though, I think the "liberals" and "progressives" in the MIddle East are people who probably respect Israel's right to exist and maybe even praise the country for some of the things it has done. Take homosexuality for example. "Here's one thing the Jewish nation got right," the "liberals" in The West Bank or Syria might say. "Sure, there was Deir Yessin, (by the way, there were Palestinian reprisals as violent as Deir Yessin that you haven't heard about) but do the Israelis murder gays in 'honor killings'?"

The "progressives" in Jordan might say, "well, they also treat their women fair; they can vote and hold political office. Shit, there was a woman prime minister in Israel before there was a female president in America." Remember the Iran Contra affair? The militants, upon capturing the Americans, immediately released the women and the african-americans, because surely they couldn't hold positions of importance. Liberals in America pride themselves on being "colorblind" when it comes to race.

Sure, Israel has done plenty of fucked up shit. Israelis will often be the first to admit that. Israel and Israelis still do some crazy stuff today: maybe if you visit and ride a bus in Jerusalem, an old Hasidic man will yell at you for not dressing modestly, you harlot. And God forbid you go in a synagogue without wearing a kippah. And, after all, there was Deir Yessin.

Some people say that even the formation of Israel and Zionism itself were racist and unlawful. But are Americans allowed to say that? Especially all those "liberals" in California? What about people living in Hawaii? Aren't you all living on stolen ground? How many Indians were murdered in the name of Manifest Destiny? Whose that guy on our twenty dollar bill? Didn't he do some institute some Indian Removal thingy? Do Israelis give Palestinians blankets ridden with disease? Does the IDF actively target civilians like those Hamas guys do?

Do I even have a conclusion? No.