

The douche wrote this new article, a long, rambling critique of Jews' lack of intelligence, inspired by the events of the Gaza flotilla debacle.

I really wish it weren't shaded by his purple prose, then i'd have more respect for him. but i'm always always reminded that he's another douche with an mfa, whose fame rests on adjectives, silly descriptions, and a general awkward word choice defined by mostly esoteric (and perhaps therefore inane) rhetoric.
which THEN just reminds me that he has no academic anthropological or historical background, and will never (thank god) write a truly important work of merit. fiction included. And so when he does sit on his high horse, it makes his preaching that much more unbearable; he is not a font of knowledge to which we should lend our ears.
He also needs a refresher course in post-colonial theory and basic Jewish principles, which, while not excusing or obfuscating stupid behavior, certainly doesn't purport any type of ethnic or tradition-based exceptionalism.
Jillian: and also, just because some jews are stupid and israel has made some questionable decisions does NOT mean that we should abandon the idea that we are special in some way, but he sees exceptionalism as fodder in itself for ant-semitism [which Chabon gets right].
me: right. if he is railing against religion, why not rail against "secularism" for creating men like Madoff?
Basic premise of po-co: all people(s) are different and therefore special.

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