
Dumbass white folk

Person 1:
November 9 at 7:53am
Hey y'all,

I know someone who is a totally insane Hare Krsna conspiracy theorist and she has this really anti-semitic sounding (I don't know much about it) belief about elitist Jews ruling the world? And apparently secretly running the war in Iraq? Particularly hilarious is that she once said to me, very enthusiastically, "It was the Jews who invaded Troy!" (apropos of nothing) and I was just wondering what you guys made of all that shit.

Here is a documentary which I haven't even clicked on, which she told me to watch, which I will probably never watch.


Best regards,

"Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire called Empire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red..."

Person 2:
November 9 at 8:17am

oh man. i have to get ready for work so i can't check out this documentary (and don't know if i can bring myself to do it anyway), but what i will say is that the belief that elitist jews secretly run the world, control global finance, are behind the war in iraq, etc etc is one of the more popular anti-semitic beliefs, especially amongst people who would otherwise purport not to "have anything against" jewish people. i can find better sources later, but for quick reference:

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a forged antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan to achieve global domination. The text was fabricated in the Russian Empire, and was first published in 1903. The text was translated into several languages and widely disseminated in the early part."

Person 3:
November 10 at 3:10pm

I feel bad for admitting this, but it needs to be said: this is strike two against hare krishnas. I have now been twice personally offended by them. A couple months ago, one guy nearly accosted me in new york, and wouldn't let go of my hand while he tried to tell me how great the bhagavad gita was, how my life was off kilter, etc.

whatever, white folk. to be clear: what these two events represent have nothing to do with hare krishna-ism, but with dumbass white american kids' penchant for being duped into stupid, annoying shit.

and people wonder why jews are paranoid! in a parallel example, i loved all the stupid fucking white folk who flipped their shit during the 2008 election season upon hearing Rev. Wright. "What?! black people are suspicious of the oppressive white government?!"

So A., I guess I'm unsurprised, because Americans are idiots.

Person 1:
November 10 at 3:13pm

No, dude, you seriously don't need to feel bad for admitting this. There is something seriously wrong with Hare Krishnas. I went with them to a festival in Atlanta over the summer and had a long conversation with the priest in which he eventually said that his beliefs about karmic retribution suggested to him that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened unless the Jews owed some cosmic karmic debt to the world. This priest is, I suspect, where Hannah gets most of her conspiracy theories.

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