
Gay, frum Jews

"From my perspective the notion of "a life built on cognitive dissonance" is neither religiously viable nor traditionally Jewish. It seems to me that Orthodoxy (modern to ultra) simply doesn't have the tools to provide the kind of open minded, halakhically observant, passionately Jewish communities that LGBTQ Jews need. Good thing there is something called "Conservative Judaism" which provides all of those things and luckily (at least for those Jews living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan) it is right down the block."

Me: Let's see: can't get married, can't be a rabbi. Sounds as great as being a gay republican. Obviously no one's identity is an oxymoron, but what's the point of joining a club that doesn't want you? You can join another branch and retain your frumness. And why would God forbid us to do something that harms no one? Continuing to take the Torah as the divine word is a whole other can of worms. Grow up, my fellow queers. You guys are late to the party anyways; legitimate critiques were lodged against orthodoxy over 100 years ago.

The sheer irrationality that people come up with just to stay part of a group (a hateful one, at that) is infuriating.

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