

The news has been flooded with this lately. Some crazy, old neo-Nazi shot a guard at the Holocaust museum in DC.

The dude was EIGHTY NINE. Wow. What a dedicated anti-semite! It's kind of hilarious, in my opinion. I am glad, though, that this wasn't any kind of organized effort by young and spry aryans.

The most interesting debate that this event fosters is this: Obama takes office, and suddenly all these crazy right-wingers come out of the woodwork. George Tiller was murdered and now we have another nutcase who makes me feel bad for supporting Ron Paul. People have posited, on sites like Jezebel (which the gf frequents), that in order to make up for the annulment of Bush's crusade in the middle east, right-wingers have to compensate by quelling threats on the homefront. OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but it's pretty much an accurate observation. Why weren't liberals going crazy and murdering folks during Bush's regime?

One poster on Jezebel makes this great observation:

"Given the current political and economic situation - a Black president, Democrats in office across the board, financial conditions in which people (even white men, gasp) are losing their jobs - this rash of violence, from Roeder to Adkisson and now this, seems like an intensified version of what happens when people have their privilege challenged. These fuckers are white, male, extremist Christian conservatives, who are seeing the status quo they feel entitled to get destabilized."


And this op-ed in the NY Times elucidates more on the crazy right-wingers who are coming out of the closet.

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