
Another Writing

"Latin! Dirty from the lips of idolators"-Edelshtein

Recently got in a debate with a conservative critic, and orthodox Jew, about theory. It didn't go so well. I finally realized I should not have been there: the rhetoric of the other side was so rooted in phallogocentrism that they could not conceive of another writing. Their judgments for literature are evaluations that I never consider. My relation to them is the same as Edelshtein's to Latin: not only do Others speak a different language, but it has a history of repressing minorities. So initially I am disgusted, and enter into debate; finally, thank God, I realize they do not inhabit the same universe of thought that I do.

Another thing:
I solved the conundrum to Conservative Judaism's identity crisis. Everyone got all crazed asking the movement to define itself, and to my knowledge no response from rabbis was issued. Good. There need not be a response. No form of Judaism needs to give a reason for its existence (There: I essentially summarized Mordecai Kaplan's entire corpus of thought!).

*Also if take the initiative to ask what the Conservative movement stands for in the first place, you could at least go on wikipedia before whining about it.

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